Yearly Archives: 2022


Japan-Djibouti Video Teleconference Meeting

[:en] Japan-Djibouti Video Teleconference Meeting Japan-Djibouti Video Teleconference Meeting(Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office) On August 28, commencing at 7:30 p.m. for approximately 25 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, held a video teleconference meeting with H.E. Mr. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, Prime Minister of the Republic of Djibouti, who is visiting Tunisia to attend [...]

By |2022/08/27|Categories: Uncategorized|

Le Premier Ministre participe aux travaux de la TICAD 8

[:fr] Le Premier Ministre M. Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed participe aux travaux de la TICAD 8 à Tunis aux côtés de plusieurs chefs d’états et de gouvernement du continent Africain. Plusieurs points ont été discutés lors de ce forum économique qui s’est clôturé hier dont notamment la relance de l’économie africaine et sa résilience dans sa [...]

By |2022/08/27|Categories: News|

[:en]President Guelleh pays tribute to the memory of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe[:fr]Le Président Guelleh salue la mémoire de l’ex-Premier ministre japonais Shinzo Abe[:]

[:en]The President of the Republic, Mr. Ismail Omar Guelleh, paid tribute to the memory of the former Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, who died on Friday as a result of the gunshot attack of which he was victim this Friday morning during an election rally. "The brutal death by assassination of the late Shinzo Abe [...]

By |2022/07/08|Categories: News|

[:en]Message of the Ambassador Ibrahim Bileh Doulaeh on the occasion of the Independence day 2022.[:fr]Message de l’Ambassadeur Ibrahim Bileh Douleh à l’occasion de la fête de l’Indépendance 2022.[:ja]ジブチの祝日【独立記念日6月27日】[:]

[:en]Message of the Ambassador Ibrahim Bileh Doulaeh on the occasion of the Independence day 27 June 2022.[:]

By |2022/06/27|Categories: News, Uncategorized|
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