H.E. Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed with Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako.(Ceremony of Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor) October 2019
The cooperation between Japan and Djibouti, is excellent. It allowed through concrete projects resolutely turned towards improving the living conditions of the population of reach important milestones in terms of achievements. Development assistance is experiencing unprecedented growth. Between 2008 and 2013, Djibouti has received several donations estimated at about 93.5 million US from the Japanese government.
This partnership also addresses strategic areas related to collective security, regional cooperation, conflict resolution, good governance, the fight against terrorism, the promotion of human rights and cooperation social material. It also extends in areas such as energy cooperation, research and executive education and the environment and sustainable development.
In this perspective, the strengthening of bilateral relations aims to support the endogenous dynamics facing our country and accelerate the movement of the Djibouti-Japan partnership.
日本とジブチの協力関係は素晴らしいです。国民の生活環境の改善に向けた具体的なプロ ジェクトを通じて、成果の面で重要な一歩を踏み出すことが可能になりました。開発援助 は前例のない成長を遂げています。 2008年から2013年の間に、ジブチは日本政府から約 9,350万米ドルと推定される寄付を受け取りました。このパートナーシップは、集団安全保障、地域協力、紛争解決、優れた統治、テロとの闘い、人権の促進、物質的な社会協力に関連する戦略的分野も対象としています。また、エ